Vetting Process at MedTech Syndicates

At MedTech Syndicates, we encourage early-stage companies with innovative solutions in the MedTech space to reach out for additional funding. Our vetting process is designed to identify companies that demonstrate a strong foundation for growth and the potential to make a meaningful impact in the healthcare industry. Here's what we look for:

  1. Innovative Product with Clinician Feedback: We are interested in products that address an unmet clinical need, with at least some feedback from clinicians to validate the need. This helps ensure that the product has real-world potential and is positioned to solve a significant problem in healthcare.

  2. Bench and Animal Data: At a minimum, we require companies to have bench and animal data demonstrating the product's viability. This is crucial to proving that the concept has progressed beyond the idea stage and has tangible results.

  3. Experienced Team: We value teams that understand the complexities of the
regulatory and manufacturing landscapes. The team should have experience
navigating these areas and securing funding to meet early-stage milestones.

What to Expect During the Process

When you submit information about your product, we ask for a non-confidential pitch deck along with a 1-5 minute video introducing your team and product. This video should provide insight into your vision and the value your product brings to the healthcare market.

If selected, companies will first present the business side of their offering. Following this, we will move to a clinical evaluation to assess the product's potential in the medical field. Our team of clinicians and business analysts will evaluate the product’s market fit, regulatory considerations, and overall impact.

Once we have alignment from our clinicians and business analysts, we will engage the company in a more advanced discussion to begin preparing the necessary documents for raising capital through MedTech Syndicates.

Our vetting process ensures that we work with companies poised for success and ready to make a significant difference in the MedTech landscape.